An excerpt from Purposeful Prayers by R. D. Fierro
In Hebrews 4:16 we are advised to “… draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Remembering that the Bible is the very word of God, this invitation does not come just from the human writer of Hebrews. It comes from God Himself. The One who sits on the throne of grace issues this invitation.
This is a truly amazing gift.
"The Christian faith transports us beyond this world“
A gift is something of value given from one person to another without payment. Being invited into God’s presence is a gift because the opportunity to commune with the Most High God is a privilege of infinite value and we did not (in fact, could not) pay for that privilege.
It is remarkable enough for the cosmic sovereign to invite His creatures to His throne room. To also invite them to petition for the help they need extends the nature of the gift incomparably further.
We tend to lightly esteem this gift because the opportunity to approach God’s throne is open to us all the time.
Imagine if God had said, “You can bring your petitions to me on the third Tuesday of every other month. I will commune with you then.” If God had said this, then those who take Him seriously would all mark their calendars and set time aside during the dedicated period to present their petitions. Scarcity tends to elevate the value of something. So, we would esteem scarce opportunities to visit with God much more highly.
But God put no such limitations on His children. He not only invites them to come any time but He reinforces the opportunity by encouraging us to “pray without ceasing.”[1]
Why has God gone to such lengths to ensure that we know we may come into His presence at any time? Simply put, because He loves us and He knows that we need Him.
Jesus told us straightforwardly that in this world we would have trouble (tribulation). Knowing that we would have trouble Jesus gave us a variety of gifts to help us confront the trouble and overcome it. These gifts included sending “another Comforter” to lead and teach (the Holy Spirit), the promise that He would “never leave us or forsake us,”[2] and the assurance that He would pray for us. But He didn’t stop there.
One of the best ways to enter God’s presence is through God-centered, Biblically-grounded prayer. Such prayer, though seemingly so simple and mundane, transports us instantly from wherever we are to the very throne room of God.
“The Christian faith transports us beyond this world“
The Christian faith transports us beyond this world to places where “the patterns for the heavens were laid and the stars were born.”[3]
Prayer is one of the gifts God has given His children to navigate the perils of this world and remain faithful to Him. God knows that we will have all sorts of needs as we encounter the world’s tribulations and He wants us to be prepared to overcome them. As such, He didn’t leave us wondering whether we were allowed to ask Him for the help we needed. He made it abundantly clear that He not only wants us to ask for the help but to do it continuously and unceasingly.
Chapter 12 of 1 Corinthians tells us that all of those whom God has called are endowed with one or more spiritual gifts and those gifts vary from believer to believer. But one gift that the Father has given to all of His children is the gift of prayer – to be able to “come boldly before the throne of grace” at any and all times. Being able to enter the presence of the Person that set the galaxies in motion, guides their courses, and sustains their existence is a wonder far beyond being in the presence of any earthly potentate, personality, or power. It is a gift that not only makes our own lives better but also one we can use to make lives better for those all around us.
[1] 1 Thessalonians 5:17
[2] Hebrews 13:5
[3] Doors of Destiny, by R.D. Fierro, page 5,